Clinical Studies

Oleia Topical Oil Contains Cetylated Fatty Acid.

Cetylated fatty acids (CFAs) are effective for improving knee range of motion, ability to climb stairs, rise from a chair and walk; and improving balance, strength and endurance in patients with osteoarthritis. — Kraemer William. University of Connecticut, USA, published in the Journal of Rheumatology 2004;

CFAs are well absorbed when given orally or topically. CFAs are metabolized and distributed to various tissues such as liver, kidney, muscle and adipose tissue. — Daniel Gallaher, University of Minnesota, USA, October 2002

Cetylated fatty acid reduces pain and improves functional performance of individuals with arthritis. — Kraemer, William, Department of Kinesiology, University of Connecticut USA, published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 1005

CFAs increased skin permeability, improved roughness of the skin, made skin firmer and better hydrated. Study conducted among 28 females, ages 25-65, for 21 days by Life Management Group, University of California.

Moringa Oil: Anti-inflammatory properties of Moringa Oleifera

Cetylated fatty acids (CFAs) improve knee function in patients with Osteoarthritis. The use of CFA may be an alternative to the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of osteoarthritis. — Robert Hesslink et al..Journal of Rheumatology 2002;

Omega 5 (Myristoleic Acid) effectively reduces moderate inflammatory pain levels in a variety of joint and muscle diseases as well as migraine headaches and psoriasis. — Chronic Inflammatory Pain Control with Omega-5, Brill, Klaus et al, June 1994

Myristoleic acid induces death of prostate cancer cells. — A study conducted in Gifu Pharmaceutical University in Japan

Myristoleic acid has potent anti-proliferative effects on pancreatic cancer. — Anti-pancreatic cancer effects of myristoleic acid, Northwestern University, Chicago USA

The effect of Cetyl Myristoleate and adjunctive Therapy on the course of arthritic episodes in patients with various auto-immune diseases. — Dr. H. Seimandi, a Randomized Clinical Trial 1997

Cetyl Myristoleate is safe, no adverse reaction reported. — Evaluation of Cetyl myristoleate as a Permitted Ingredient, Office of Complementary Medicine, TGA, July 2006

Cetyl Myristoleate: Mechanisms of Action


Method for treating Osteoarthritis using Cetyl myristoleate. Patented by Dr. Harry Diehl, discoverer of cetyl myristoleate.

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